Our Digital Education Strategy 2016-2020 established investment from the University of Cambridge to further support and enhance teaching and learning by integrating digital learning, in many of its potential manifestations, into our outstanding residential educational experiences. Changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated rapid development and made conversations regarding digital pedagogy one of our highest priorities.
A comprehensive 15-month review of services supporting technology-enabled teaching and learning at the University, prompted additional research into our many approaches to education through an institution-wide survey and subsequent focus groups. Recommendations from these bodies of work, together with our collective learning from both our previous strategy and the pandemic, have coalesced into a new set of university priorities and guiding principles designed to better evaluate, enable, and enhance blended education as part of a holistic whole at Cambridge.
The following pages illustrate the outcomes from ongoing research both internal and external and highlight key areas of focus for the Blended Learning Service as it continues to support staff and students in designing, developing, engaging with, and iterating blended learning at University at Cambridge.