Experiences of Remote Teaching & Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Between March and July 2021, CCTL led a short, focused project to explore students' and staff experiences during the pandemic, in order to inform enhancement activities over the next three to five years. The project included three strands:
- a rapid evidence review, synthesising existing evidence and literature on digitally enabled teaching and learning in Cambridge
- interviews and focus groups to explore Cambridge practices and cultures around teaching and learning in person and online during the pandemic
- interviews and focus groups to explore patterns of institutional support and training put in place for teaching staff and students
Project findings include:
- in many subjects, digital submission and marking of supervision work enabled students to receive and reflect on feedback before the supervision, providing a foundation for more advanced activities in in-person supervisions
- digital availability of lecture materials (whether recorded live and uploaded later, flipped learning models, or specific short pre-recorded lecture content) should be retained
- there should be further exploration of pedagogically beneficial approaches to using online materials to enhance lecture and class learning
- students and staff hoped for continued increases in the availability and accessibility of online library materials
- students valued clear, single-access points for the curation of online course materials