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A digital art installation that projects experimental imagery over people as they explore the a interactive room

Hybrid is a delivery method that aims to engage with an audience that is separated geographically with some students attending in person and others participating online via a live stream. The practicalities and efficacy of hybrid have been discussed more frequently during the past 18 months, and even more so as we look to enter another partially disrupted term.  

To support ongoing conversations and planning moving into the new academic year 2021-22, our Hybrid Models and Definitions document presents two distinct models of hybrid delivery: 

  • Hybrid Teaching & Learning: an interactive and participation focused session with a higher demand for technology and resources to facilitate effective engagement and presence. 
  • Hybrid Audience: a more passive learning experience in which students are required to observe and consider delivered materials with little to no interactive engagement.  

Please note that currently UIS and the Lecture Capture Service can only support Hybrid Audience at this time and will not be able to fully support Hybrid Teaching & Learning. 

The document also provides a range of technical definitions to help communications, provides guidance for supporting the two models of hybrid delivery, and considers how hybrid can be integrated within a broader blended curriculum. Links to further resources have been included towards the end of the document along with subsequent considerations to support you and your colleagues in facilitating a suitable technological solution for your learners this year. 

The Hybrid Models and Definitions paper has been written in collaboration between Chris Baker (TEL), Jessica Comber-Chaney (T&LS) and Melissa Rielly (TEL/EQPO).