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P1. Evaluate experiences of staff and students to provide suitable foundations for high-quality, evidence led blended teaching, learning and assessment

For an institution as diverse as the University of Cambridge, a singular approach to developing teaching, learning, and assessment can indirectly hinder progress of staff and students and imposing such directives does not fully enable the level of creativity and expression found within our world-class teaching. To better facilitate a quality of education that delivers on identified outcomes whilst remaining flexible for local implementation, the University is committing to more effective measures of research, development, and review to ensure we deliver on these priorities and appropriately support our staff and students throughout their journeys with us.

Supporting staff to achieve their goals and in turn support students, we need to do more than provide resource and training. We need to commit to actively listening to our staff and students as key stakeholders in the delivery of outstanding education and develop services that respond effectively at, if not before, the time of need.

P1.1 Research and develop leading blended educational practice ensuring we provide informed and reliable expertise for staff and students

P1.2 Support staff to engage with evidence led pedagogical application of blended learning in localised contexts that complement the residential education of Cambridge

P1.3 Harness the experiences and knowledge of our world leading academics to inform blended practice for the future of Cambridge

P1.4 Develop research led frameworks for blended education to enable an equitable and high-quality diversity of experiences

P1.5 Facilitate comprehensive and responsive research with staff and students to effectively inform key decision-making processes relating to teaching, learning, and assessment and ensure their needs are appropriately considered throughout